
Are you ready?

Are you ready?
Are you ready?

Did I forget to mention this was a repeat after me song?

I still have the tune of "Goin' on a Bug Hunt" in my head from our preschool storytime last week, and the chorus ends with asking if the children are ready. But the question is, are YOU ready? Ready for a playdate with nature?

This blog is your personal invitation from nature to COME OUT AND PLAY!

As an educator at Cantigny I get to go out and play just about every day. I can take a hike through the wooded nooks of the park, stroll in the prairie, or literally stop and smell the roses in our beautiful Rose Garden.

There are logs to balance across, ponds to search for fish, turtles and frogs, gardens to explore and plenty of big green lawns to run across or just lay down on.

When was the last time you- and your children- just laid down in the grass and watched the clouds roll past you? Or simply closed your eyes and listened?

Can't remember? Well, how about starting this weekend. Go outside and play. At Cantigny, at the park, or just in your own backyard.

Get back to the basics. Watch the clouds, follow an ant, smell a flower. Play tag, play catch...just play.

This blog will be your spot to get some inspiration and motivation to accept each day's invitation to a playdate with nature. No RSVPs required.

Are you ready?


  1. I just saw my first lightning bugs of summer the other day, and if that doesn't remind you to stay out after summer sunset and play I don't know what does. Thanks for the reminder to be a kid again!

  2. Oh lucky you Lolo!! I still haven't seen any lightning bugs this year! Ahh...so many memories of catching lightning bugs and putting them in jars with sticks and leaves....sigh...
